Change Requests
Every field in a DataView Wealth record is one of 2 types. It is either editable (by Role) or it requires a “Change Request”. A Change Request requires a set of required Approvers, (either by Role, Individual or via custom rules), and optionally supporting document(s) before it can enter the Approved state.
A Change Request starts off in the New state. In this state, the data can be edited. Once entered (and documents uploaded) the Change Request is submitted and enters the Submitted state.
In the Submitted state, a change request’s data cannot be altered, and it must be approved or rejected. If rejected it must be either Cancelled, Resubmitted or “Resubmitted as New”.
It is only “On Approved” when the field is then saved down to the corresponding record. A full audit trail if approvers and their approval reasons are kept and easily accessible for viewing. It is at this stage that any Statuses are set.
Each record in DataView (usually the Client and Bank Account records) can attain one or more Statuses. The Status can contain Documents (evidence) and Risk Points. A Status may contain Statuses. A status with no parent Statuses is called a Root Status

A DDQ (Due Diligence Questionnaire) is a Form containing the Fields and documents required by the Change Request and is created using the Questionnaire Builder

Compliance Track
A Compliance Track takes a Status and a DDQ and combines it with a set of Rules to govern your compliance processes. If you switch to the Compliance Role, and select Compliance Tracks you can create and edit Compliance Tracks based on the DataView Record (and Entity) type and Country Of Risk

You can use “Default” for Country Of Risk and also for Leaf Entity Type. For example you may want a specific Track for Estate Late Individuals, and a default Track for general Individuals. You can add or edit a Track by using the Track Builder

Add Track can have a Country Of Risk (determined by the Country of Residence, by the Client Team or by API) and can be or trigger Self Service.
Self Service
For Self Service tracks, the End Client will receive a notification that action is required on their part. They will then log in to the system and provide the required information, as part of the workflow
The Track will have an Owner. The will comprise of the Entity Type (of which there are many, and more can be defined), and a Status, as described above. This is enough to start designing the Track.

Once the Track has been saved down, you can add a DDQ and then get started on the Rules.

Here we have a pre loaded Track (there are several Packs that can be downloaded. There are also contributors who offer annual Packs with updated Rule sets). There are also several automated integrations with WatchLists, Adverse Media, Identity, Bank Accounts and Address and Tax verification services to automate a lot of these steps.

A Compliance Track contains a set of Rules. Each Rule has a
- Name
- Trigger (OnInitialize, OnSbumit, OnApproved)
- Execution Criteria (expression)
- Set of Actions
The Execution Criteria uses the Criteria Builder to create any expression using the DDQ Values, the DataView Records and the System variables. This is evaluated at runtime and will return true or false.

Actions are added to Rules, and contain an
- Action Type
- Execution Type (whether to run if the Rules Expression evaluates to true or false)
- Status Affected
- Action Data (depends on Action Type)
There are many different things you can achieve with the actions, from retrieving and saving fields to calling registered APIs to sending emails to creating Tasks.
- AddApproverPerson
- AddApproverRole
- AddRiskPoints *
- CallApi
- ClearFieldValue
- CopyDocumentToStatus
- CopyFieldToRecord
- CreateTask
- RetrieveDocumentFromStatus
- RetrieveFieldFromRecord
- SendEmail
- SetFieldToHidden
- SetFieldToOptional
- SetFieldToReadOnly
- SetFieldToRequired
- SetFieldValue *
- SetStatusToRequired
Generally you would Add Approver Roles and Retrieve details on INITIALIZED, and then Copy details back and/or set sub Statuses to Required (which will trigger further Tracks) on APPROVED, but there are some complex scenarios, all of which are catered for by the Action Types.
All values in the system (AddRiskPoints, SetFieldValue) are what we call “Expressions”. Expressions are a key component of our system and our Expression Builder allows you to create dynamic and customizable calculations or transformations using a wide range of functions and operators.