14. After the onboarding information has been completed navigate to the Change Requests tab for the client to make sure your 5 change requests have been submitted for review and approval.

New: Details have been entered, but the change request has not been submitted which allows another user to update the details/documents of that change request
Approved: Won’t be visible as there are no available actions on a change request that has been approved. This states indicates that the details entered on the change request have been saved down onto the client.
Approving: Meaning change request details have been “Reviewed” by someone in the client services role, this state does not allow the details to be updated, but the change requests can be “Rejected” and “Resubmitted as new” in order for the details/documents to be updated.
Submitted: This state indicates the change request details have been submitted for review and approval, these details will also have to be Rejected and “Resubmitted as new” in order for the details/documents to be updated.
Rejected: Indicating the change request details were found to be incorrect by either the “Reviewer” or “Approver”. This state allows the change request to be “Resubmitted” which will take the state to “Submitted” or “Resubmit as new” which will alter the state of that change request to “New” allowing for details to be updated.